From the right: Steven Lane, Stuart Hall -- exhibit organizers & curators, and Andrew St Paul. Figure Showcase at Cole's Bar at 2338 N Milwaukee, Dec 3, 2017 through February 2017, is a show curated by Tracy Kostenbader and features the work of 10 artists from Figure Tuesdays, a weekly figure session that has been held in Kostenbader's studio space, Cole's Bar, and Township Bar over the …
Bike Winter Art Show At The Convert Loft Space, 24-25 February, 2017
At the large group show of bicycle theme art work, the 20th Annual Chicago Winter Bike Art Show at the Convert Loft Space (3036 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago), I contributed 2 paintings that I did not finish for last year's show. Around thirty-five artists, many of whom are avid cyclists and part of the social bicycle community in Chicago, contributed over 80 works of art in various mediums -- two …